Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hey Hey You You

Good afternoon little miss Ellie. 

I'm starting to think you don't like me. I've been trying very hard to feel you kick or punch or just MOVE at all. Do you know what you do EVERY time my hand comes near your mommy's tummy? ummmm... nothing! You'll be all active and Lyndsay will be making faces because you're moving and then she says "Laurel, right now!" Right then, you always stop. We have to put an end to this! :) 

You got your first stern talking to. You little trouble maker you! You were squishing your mom's gallbladder. Like kicking it. We ended up missing a cool little consignment shopping trip we had planned on but your DeDe always dependable, went this morning and bought things for you. 

Your parents should be ordering your crib today. They've narrowed it down, and now Lyndsay just wants it all set up. - DeDe has her crib set up. Apparently i'm way behind. You have nothing to sleep in at my house! I at least need a playpen, because right now all I can do is drive you around in your car-seat I have in place in my car already. 

Your name is official (I Hope). Drum roll please.............


I will be calling you Ellie for short. until you decide what you want to be called that is. 

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