Just kidding. You better not! I've been busy playing with you. Too busy to actually write to you. Lame excuse I know. I had all the time in the world before, but since you've actually been here, its hard to find that time. But its times like this morning during my drive to the office I found myself thinking about your giggle. Your smile and it made me smile. I knew I needed to write to you again.
You're almost 6 months old now. Time flys!
Lets see what are you accomplishments so far?
- Well, you can sit up for a good 30 seconds with out falling over.
- you can walk when we hold your hands.
- you can practically talk to me. You make the cutest sounds and you try so hard to talk.
- you roll over. ALL THE TIME. I think you realize that you can get things if you scoot your boot and roll yourself over to it.
You're mommy took you outside yesterday and let you play in the grass for the first time. She said you loved it! You also are eating more solid foods now. You get to have rice cereal and sweet potatoes! You did not like the squash your parents gave you. ( I'm not a fan of it either. So I'll teach you how to avoid it. Except spaghetti squash. That's yummy) You make yum sounds when you eat too! You really enjoy your meals. :)
You're little knees are getting rough. You're losing the baby skin that is so soft since you are trying to crawl. You're hair is also starting to curl!! Can you guess i'm excited! You will have at least one thing that will be like mine.
The older the get the more you look like your mom. You were all your Daddy when you were first born, now I can see alot of your mom too.
You're smile. Oh that smile. It gets me every time. Last night, we played and it was the first time I've seen you really truly giggle. You have you're mom's laugh. More of a lack of sound. You inhale, but last night you were giggling and Aunite nanners and me. :) Needless to say you make me happy.
You're uncle Jeremy got Married! Which means that you now have another auntie. Auntie Kayla. I'm not sure if thats what she wants you to call her or not. :)
You're growing so fast and I love every minute of it. I'm going to be very sad when you and your parents move out of your Dede's house because you won't just be next door anymore. I'll miss spending time with you and you're mommy, but trust me as soon and mommy give me the okay you're going to spend the night with me. probably not until you can talk. and maybe even are potty trained. love ya kid but you spit up on me and it kinda grosses me out. haha. I'll update you with some pictures from you're baby hood.

You at your Uncle's wedding!
Playing in the grass for the first time!
At Kyle's going away party. (He went to Bethel)
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