Once upon a time there was a little boy who stole his auntie's heart before she ever met him. His name was Elijah Ryan. Its funny how you can steal my heart and I haven't even met you yet. It won't be long though, 1 week and 1 day. That is all the time we have to wait until we get to meet you. A little over a year ago we were right here in the same place. Awaiting the arrival of your big sister. We were all nervous and every time the phone rang our hearts jumped, same thing is happening now. If I have a missed call from your mommy or from DeDe I nearly freak out. That is how eager I am!
So I've been a slacker. I know horrible horrible me. We've been busy with your big sister and moving your mommy and daddy into their new home, which is now big enough for all of you! Let me tell you about how we found out you were a little boy. We threw a small party at your great Aunt Sherri's house. You're mommy and daddy came in and mommy had to run and hide so no one would ask questions because papa was late. So they finally got there and they pulled a onesie out of the bag and it said little brother! Then we all watched the video and got to see you.
I also threw a pretty great party for you and your mommy. It was a tea party. I know I know, it was not boyish at all. But this party was more for your mommy. You got tons of presents though. Cute... er... I mean handsome stuff! You're going to be seriously stylin' in your new clothes.
You haven't been as active as I had hoped. You don't move as much. I did get to feel you when you had the hiccups. Seriously weird and amazing at the same time. You're a little man. A real, little man. I realized with your sister just how fast you will grow up. I'm going to cherish every moment. I'm not going to rush you to do anything. I can't wait to see you and your tiny little fingers and toes and hold you while you will still let me.
You're sister doesn't know whats going on right now. But she'll learn. She is very good at sharing so you've got that going for you kiddo. She is going to be a great big sister. We've been teaching her how to be soft. (That is hard to teach) You should be just fine though. She already loves all the others babies she is around. Hey, you have a cousin that is on her way soon! Kayla and Jeremy are having a little girl. Also a friend of your mommy's adopted a beautiful little girl. You're going to have some best friends when you get older. Friends you get to grow up with. Me and your mom had a pretty rad group of friends too when we were growing up. I mean seriously you can watch our youtube channel when you get older and see for yourself. But what was special is that we were able to grow up with ours and they became our brothers. (Mostly we just had boys). You're going to have a lot of sisters, but trust me they will take care of you.
My dearest boy, I can't wait until next Friday, but until then, (given you stay right where you are) I will talk to you after I get to see your face.
Sweet Crazy Isabella,
I say crazy in the most loving way. But you sure are a character. You make the craziest faces! The crack me up! You're getting so big and you can talk, although you refuse to say my name. Hello, by the way what is up with that?! You and I have had long talks about this but still, its just mom. Everything is Mom. You see my cell phone. MOM. You see food. MOM. You see a toy. MOM. haha not that I'm rushing you, because right now i'm enjoying every little moment. I can't believe it has been over one year since we all sat in that waiting room, and since I cried when I saw that first picture of you. You have a personality so your own.
So let me tell you what you've been up to. You moved into a new house. Its just right down the road but you don't live with DeDe and PaPa anymore. You get to have your own bedroom now! You sleep in your own bed all through the night, and you will even sit in your own chair during the meetings... well for a bit anyways. You eat big girl food, and have moved into a big girl car seat. You spend the night with your family and have even been to a girls night slumber party. You ate your first cupcake. You didn't really like the cake but you loved the icing. Maybe you're more of a pie and ice cream gal like myself. You had to have a shower afterwards though because you were a bit messy. You hate wearing shoes, and love string cheese. Seriously some days its all you will eat. You loved my grilled cheese. Like you went bonkers and tried to eat my entire sandwich. You went on your first hay ride and loved it. You only sneezed once. You're uncle David does one every year.
I don't know if you understand what is going on or understand that your little brother is going to be here soon, but I do know that you are going to be a great big sister. I don't know how to deal with little brothers though, that is uncharted territory for me. Looks like you'll have to talk to your daddy about that one.
Love you baby girl!
Enjoy catching up on the pictures.
Auntie Lollie (you will say it one day!)

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